
                                                                  Ryan, C., & Zhang, X. Tourist Experiences: Insights from Psychology.  Bristol:   Channel View Publications. 


Ryan, C., (2020). Advanced Tourism Destination Management, Chelmsford, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing


Yang, J., Zhang, L., & Ryan, C. (2016). Social Conflict and Harmony: Tourism in China's Multi-Ethnic Communities. Bingley: Emerald Press (subsequent winner in 2017 of Emerald Literati Award.


Ryan, C., & Huang, S. (2013), Tourism in China: Planning, Destinations and Experiences, Bristol: Channel View Press


Ryan, C., & Lu You Ke Xue Yan Jiu Fang Fa (2012) (路由科学研究方法), Beijing: China Tourism Press (In Mandarin).


Ryan, C., and Wang, L. (2010). The Competitive Tourist Destination Nanking: The University of Nanking Press. In Mandarin

Ryan, C., Ma Xiaolong and Gu Huimin (2010). Recreational Tourism. Nanking: The University of Nanking Press. In Mandarin


Ryan, C., and Gu, H. 2008. Tourism in China: Destinations, Cultures and Communities. New York: Routledge

Ryan, C., and Gu Huimin. 2009. International hotel chains. Beijing: Tourism Education Press.

Contributions to Books


Ryan C. (2011). China – Tourism and Religious Sites. In (ed) Xu Fan, Religious Tourism in Asia and the Pacific. Madrid: United Nations World Tourism Organization, Pp 110-123.


Gu, H, Ryan, C., and Zhang, W. 2007. Jinggangshan Mountain: A Paradigm of China’s Red Tourism. Pp 59-58 in Ryan, C. (ed) 2007. Battlefield Tourism: History, Place and Interpretation. Oxford: Pergamon.

Li-Hui Chang and Ryan, C. 2007. Xiamen and Kinmen: From Cross Border Strife to Shopping Trips. Pp 143-152 in Ryan, C. (ed) 2007. Battlefield Tourism: History, Place and Interpretation. Oxford: Pergamon.

Journals (refereed)


Zhou, B, Xi Zhou, B., Xiong, Q., Li, P., Liu, S., Wang, L. E., & Ryan, C. (2023). Celebrity and film tourist loyalty: Destination image and place attachment as mediators. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management54, 32-41.


 Gu, H., Li, B., Ryan, C., Tang, Y., & Yang, X. (2023). From Darkest to Finest Hour: Recovery Strategies and Organizational Resilience in China’s Hotel Industry During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of China Tourism Research19(1), 7-30.


Zhou, B., Xiong, Q., Liu, S., Wang, L. E., Li, P., & Ryan, C. (2022). Tourist satisfaction with online car-hailing: evidence from Hangzhou City, China. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-19.


Gao, J., Ryan, C., Zhang, C. (2022). The evolution of Chinese border tourism policies: security and openness. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism. 27(2), 157-172.

Zhang, X.,  Ryan, C., Zhang, G., & Wan, Y., (2022), The Fuxi Taihao Mausoleum: Sustaining cultural tradition, Tourism Recreation Research DOI: 10.1080/02508281.2022.2028083

Goh, S., Ryan, C., Faisal, A., & Qi, H. (2022). Mega events, disruptions, and arts entrepreneurs: Reconceptualising the creative transformation of urban spaces. Annals of Tourism Research,  92  103274.

Lok Lam, V., & Ryan, C. (2022). Intra-cultural variation among tourists of the same cultural background – does it matter? Tourism  Recreation Research. 47(1), 17-30.

Zhang, X., & Ryan, C.   (2022) Cultural or Film Tourism? An analysis comparing Hobbiton (New Zealand) and Daguanyuan (China), International Marketing Journal of Culture and Tourism 1(1), 63-90.

Chen, Z., Ryan, C., Zhang, Z (2022). Cross-generational analysis of residential place attachment to a Chinese rural destination. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 30(4), 787-806. DOI

Huang, X., Chen, M., Wang, Y., Yi, J., Song, Z. & Ryan, C. (2022) Visitors' spatial-temporal behaviour and their learning experience: A comparative study.Tourism Management Perspectives, 42: 100951.

Zhou, B., Xiong, Q., Liu, S., Wang-L-e., Ryan, C. (2022). Tourist satisfaction with online car-hailing: evidence from Hangzhou City, China. Current Issues in Tourism.


Pan, Y., Wang, X., & Ryan. C., (2021). Chinese seniors holidaying,  elderly care, rural tourism and rural poverty alleviation programmes. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46(March), 134-143.

Yi, J., Ryan, C., & Wang, D. (2021). China’s Village Tourism Committees: A Social Network Analysis. Journal of Travel Research, 60(1), 117-132.

Li, Z., Li, F., & Ryan, C. (2021). Perceiving North Korea through Chinese tourists’ eyes. Tourism Review 76(1), 150-163.

Lok Lam, V. & Ryan, C. (2021). Destination attractiveness and place attachment: A multi-group analysis of visitors from the Greater China Region, Tourism Recreation Research 

Zhang, X., Ryan, C., Fu, S.j., & Chen, W.B. (2021). Visitors’ understanding of a film and cultural site, and reflections on contemporary China. Tourism Management Perspectives 40, 100909.  


Li, P., Ryan, C., & Zhou, B. (2020).  The motivations of Chinese hikers: data from Ningbo, Current Issues in Tourism, 23, 2893-2909. DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2019.1646224 ABDC ranking - A

Li, F. & Ryan, C. (2020). Western guest experiences of a Pyongyang International Hotel, North Korea: Satisfaction under conditions of constrained choice. Tourism Management (SSCI) 76, 103947. ABDC ranking -  A*

Zhou, B., Liu, T., Ryan, C., Wang, L-e., Zhang, D. (2020). The  Satisfaction of Tourists Using Bicycle Sharing Based on Structural  Equation Model: A Case of Hangzhou City, China. Journal of Sustainable  Tourism.  28:7, 1063-1082, DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2020.1720697                              

 Chen, H., & Ryan, C. (2020). Transforming the Museum and meeting   visitor requirements: The case of the Shaanxi History Museum. Journal  of Destination Marketing and Management 18, 100483.




Chen, H., Ryan, C. & He, H (2019). Intergenerational differences amongst Chinese visitors to the Terracotta Warriors Museum, Xi’an, China: the use of information sources. Annals of Tourism Research, 102682. (SSCI) doi: 10.1016/j.annals.2019.01.015

Gao, J., Ryan, C., Cave, J., Zhang, C. (2019). Tourism Border Making, A political economy of China’s border tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 76, 1-13. (SSCI)

Ramos-Tumanan, M-A., & Ryan, C. (2019). Chinese rural tourism – Seeking a Chinese perspective from an emic stance, or a case of post hoc reflections. Tourism Management, 75, 284-292. (SSCI)


Li, F., & Ryan, C. (2018). Souvenir shopping experiences: A case study of Chinese tourists in the Hermit Kingdom Tourism Management 64, 142-153. (SSCI)

Wang L., Han, Y., Gao, J., Lv, N., & Ryan, C. (2018). Tourists' Decision-making and Experience in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau in the Context of Climate Change: A Perceptual Analysis. (气候变化背景下青藏高原地区 游客决策与体验感知分析)  Tourism Tribune (CSSCI)

Jiang, T., Ryan, C. & Zhang, C. (2018). The spiritual or secular tourist? The experience of Zen Meditation Camps in China. Tourism Management, 65, 187-199. (SSCI)

Zhao, G., Deng, Z, Zheng, L., Shen, J., Ryan, C & Gong, J. (2018). Carrying capacity at Hongcun, and implications for Sustainable Tourism. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(3), 260-280. (SSCI)

Zhang, X., & Ryan, C. (2018). Investigating tourists’ and local residents’ perceptions of a Chinese film site. Tourist Studies 18(3), 275-291. (SSCI)

Mikulic, J., & Ryan, C. (2018). Reflective versus formative confusion in SEM based tourism research: A critical comment. Tourism Management, 68, 465-469.(SSCI)

Li, P., Zhou, B., Ryan, C., & Wen, J. (2018). Research on the Leisure Satisfaction of Hiking Activities Based on Fuzzy Comprehension Evaluation: Data from Ningbo, Zhejiang  Province,  Tourism Tribune 2018:5., 55-66 (CSSCI)

Lin, Y., Ryan, C., Wise, N., & Low, W.L. (2018). A Content Analysis of airline mission statements: Changing trends and contemporary components. Tourism Management Perspectives. 28, 156-165. (SSCI)

Wang, Y-C., Chen, C-C., Lin, Y-H, Ryan, C. (2018). The role of guanxi in Chinese tourists’ destination loyalty. Tourism Review International, 22(3/4), 199-212.



Zhou, C.N., Qiao, G; Ryan, C (2017), How might Chinese medium sized cities improve competitive advantage in the event tourism market? Event Management, 21 (1): 109-118.

Ryan, C., & Wang, Y. (2017). Huimin (Grace) Gu: A key academic in China’s hospitality industry. Anatolia. 28:3, 487-492. (SSCI - emerging)

Li, P., Zhou, B., & Ryan, C. (2017). Hiking in China: A fuzzy model of satisfaction, Tourism Management Perspectives, 22, 90-97. (SSCI)


 Yang, J., Ryan, C., Zhang, L. (2016). Impersonation in Ethnic Tourism - the presentation of culture bu other ethnic groups. Annals of Tourism Research. 56:13-31.


Sun, M., Ryan, C., Pan, S. (2015). Using Chinese Blogs  to Examine Perceived Destination Image: The case of New Zealand. Journal of Travel Research 54(4):543-555.


Yang, J., Ryan, C., & Zhang, L. (2014). Sustaining culture and seeking a Just Destination. - a life cycle approach to analysing tourism development in an ethnic inhabited scenic area in Xinjiang, China. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 22(8):1151-1174.

Zeng, B., Ryan, C., Cui, X., & Chen, H. (2014). Tourism-generated Income Distibution in a Poor Rural Community: A Case Study from Shannxi, China. Journal of China Tourism Research 10(4): 1-20.


Sun, M., Ryan, C., & Pan, S. (in press). Using Chinese Travel Blogs to Examine Perceived Destination Image: The Case of New Zealand. Journal of Travel Research.

Ma, X., Zhang, X., & Ryan, C. (2013). The sub-classification of film induced tourism motivation.: A case study of Hobbiton, New Zealand. Tourism Tribune 28(8), 111-117.

Hao, H., & Ryan, C. (2013). Interpretation, Film Language and Tourist Destinations: A Case Study of Hibiscus Town, China. Annals of Tourism Research 40, 213-234.

Yang, J., Ryan, C., & Zhang, L. (2013). Ethnic Minority Tourism in China: Han Perspectives of Tuva Figures in a Landscape. Tourism Management 36, 45-56

Wong, Cora Un; McIntosh, Alison; & Ryan, Chris (2013), Buddhism and tourism: Perceptions of the monastic community at Pu-Tuo-Shan, China, Annals of Tourism Research, 40 (1) : 213-234.

Wong, Cora Un, Ryan, C., & McIntosh, A. (2013). The monasteries of Putuoshan, China: Sites of Secular or Religious Tourism. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 30(5/6), 577-595.

Yang, J., Ryan, C., & Zhang, L. (2013). Social Conflict in Communities Impacted by Tourism. Tourism Management. 35, 82-93. Tourism Management 32(3): 604-615.

Gu, H., Ryan, C., Bib, L. & Wei.G (2013). Political connections, guanxi and adoption of CSR policies in the Chinese hotel industry – is there a link? Tourism Management, 34, 231-235.


Gu, H., & Ryan, C. (2012). Tourism destination evolution: a comparative study of Shi Cha Hai Beijing Hutong businesses’ and residents’ attitudes. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 20(1), 23-40.

Chen, H., & Ryan, C. (2012). Issues in Museum Management Policies: Evidence from Xi’an, China. Visitor Studies. 15(1), 62-81.

Gu, H., Ryan, C., & Yu, L. (2012). The changing structure of the Chinese hotel industry: 1980-2012. Tourism Management Perspectives. 4, 56-63.

Zeng, Benxiang; & Ryan, Chris (2012), Assisting the poor in China through tourism development: A review of research, Tourism Management, 33 (2) : 239-248.

Li, Ping; Wang, Qian; & Ryan, Chris (2012), The impacts of tourism on traditional villages: A case study of Mt Qiyun, Anhui Province, Tourism Tribune, 27 (4) : 57-63. – in Mandarin.


Cui, X., and Ryan, C. (2011). Perceptions of Place, modernity and the impacts of tourism – Differences among rural and urban residents of Ankang, China: A likelihood ratio analysis. Tourism Management 32(3): 604-615.

Ryan, C., and Hsu, S-Y. (2011). Why do visitors go to Museums? The case of the 921 Earthquake Museum, Wufong, Taiching. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 16(2): 209-228.

Gu, H., and Ryan, C. (2011). Ethics and corporate social responsibility – An analysis of the views of Chinese Hotel Managers. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 30: 875-885.

Ryan, C., Zhang, C., & Deng, Z. (2011). The impacts of tourism at a UNESCO heritage site for China – a need for a meta-narrative? The case of the Kaiping Diaolou. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 19(6), 747-765.

Chang, J., Ryan, C., Tsai, C-T., Wen, H-Y. (2011). The Taiwanese love motel – An escape from leisure constraints? International Journal of Hospitality Management 31(1), 169-179.


Ryan, C., and Gu, H., (2010). Constructionism and culture in research: Understandings of the fourth Buddhist Festival, Wutaishan, China. Tourism Management 31(2):167-178.

Cui, X., and Ryan, C. (2010). On Regional Tourism Co-operation in Underdeveloped Areas in China – a case of Ankang and Hanzhong in Southern Shaanxi. Journal of Hebei Normal University (Natural Science Edition). 34(1):115-120 (In Mandarin).

Ryan, C., Gu, H., and Chon, K. (2010) Tourism to polluted lakes: issues for tourists and the industry: An empirical analysis of four Chinese lakes. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 18(5): 595-614.

Ryan, C., Yeh, S.S., and Huan, T.C. (2010). Theme Parks and a structural equation model of determinants of visitor satisfaction – Janfusan Fancyworld, Taiwan. Journal of Vacation Marketing 16(3):185-200.

Gu, H., and Ryan, C. (2010) Hungcon, China – Residents’ perceptions of the impacts of tourism on a Rural Community: A Mixed methods Approach, Journal of China Tourism Research. 6(3):216-244.


Ma, X., Ryan, C., and Bao, J. (2009). Chinese national parks:Differences, resource use and product portfolios, Tourism Management. 30(1): 21-30.

Yeh, S-S., Ryan, C., and Ge, L. (2009). Taoism, temples and tourists; The case of Mazu pilgrimage tourism. Tourism Management 30(4):581-588.

Cui, X., & Ryan, C.(2010) The Perceptions and attitudes of Residents towards Tourism in Underdeveloped Area—A Case Study in Ankang,China. Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities, 2010 (31) 8, 187-191

Yang, O. L.W., Gu, H., and Ryan, C. (2009). Itinerary Planning and Structured Travel – Preferences by Outbound Chinese Holidaymakers, Anatolia 20(1):119-133.

Ryan, C., Zhang, Y., Gu., H., and Ling, S., (2009). Tourism, a Classic Novel, and Television. The case of Cao Xueqin's Dream of the Red Mansions and Grand View Gardens, Beijing. Journal of Travel Research. 48(1):14-28.

Gu, H., Ryan, C., and Chon, K. (2009). Managerial Responsibility, Environmental Practice and Response Sets in a Sample of Chinese Hotel Managers. Journal of China Tourism Research 5(2):140-157.

Zhang, C.Z., Xu, H.G., Si, B.T., and Ryan, C. (2009). Visitors’ perceptions of the use of cable cars and lifts in Wulingyuan World Heritage Site. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 17(5):551-567.

Cui, X., and Ryan, C. (2009). Cultural Tourism Resources in sub-optimal areas: a development strategy. Journal of Socialist Theory.5:81-83. (In Mandarin).


Cui,X. & Yang T.(2008) An Analysis to the Construction of Highways and the Development of Emerging Destinations- A Case Study of Ankang, Contemporary Economics, 2008,8:80-82.

Gu, H., and Ryan, C. (2008). Place attachment, identity and community impacts of tourism – the case of a Beijing hutong. Tourism Management 29(4):637-647.

Gu, H., and Ryan, C. (2008). Chinese clientele at Chinese hotels – Preferences and satisfaction. International Journal of Hospitality Management 27(3):337-345.

Cui, X., and Ryan, C. (2008). On Tourism Image Construction and Marketing Strategy in Ankang. Journal of Ankang University 20(6):20-22. (In Mandarin).


Cui,X.,& Zhang, H.(2007) The Tourism Image Orientation of Ankang City, Journal of Ankang University,2007(19)1:22-26.

Ryan, C., and Zhidan Zhang. 2007. Chinese students: Holiday behaviours in New Zealand. Journal of Vacation Marketing. 13(2):91-105.

Pan, S., and Ryan, C. 2007. Analyzing printed media travelogues: Means and Purposes with Reference to Framing Destination Image. Tourism, Culture and Communication. 7(2):85-97.

Ryan, C., and Gu, H. 2007. Spatial Planning, Mobilities and Culture – Chinese and New Zealand Student Preferences for Californian Travel. International Journal for Tourism Research 9(3):189-203.

Ryan, C., and Gu, H-M., 2007. The Social impacts of Tourism in a Beijing Hutong – A Case of Environmental Change. China Tourism Research. 3(2):235-271.

Ryan, C., and Gu, H. 2007. Perceptions of Chinese Hotels. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Quarterly 48(4)380-391.


Ryan, C., and Xie, J., 2003, Chinese students – A New Zealand Tourism Niche? International Journal of Tourism Sciences,3(1):95-120.

Ryan, C., 2003. Promoting Tourism Exchange and Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific Region, International Journal of Tourism Sciences – an interdiscpinary social sciences journal. 3(2):175-189.


Tsai, M., Ryan, C. and Lockyer, T. 2002. Culture and Evaluation of Service Quality – A Study of the Service Gaps in a Taiwanese Setting, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 7(2):8-19.


Ryan, C., and Xiaoyan Mo., 2001, Chinese Visitors to New Zealand – Demographics and perceptions, Journal of Vacation Marketing¸8(1): 13-27.